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Plan your trip to Krakow

Planning your trip to Krakow? Great, you are in the right place!

Here you will find all the best advice from the locals on the best things to do in Krakow, the most hidden gems to explore, the best places to stay and the best foods to try (and where to find them).

You will also find practical information to better plan your trip: how to get to Krakow by plane, train or bus, how to choose the cheapest and most reliable car rentals and all the useful tips for a safe and pleasant journey.

Krakow is a surprising city: despite being very touristy, it has kept its charm intact, and is therefore one of the most authentic and enchanting cities in Eastern Europe.

It is also a very pleasant and lively city, and considering that over a quarter of its population are students, the prices have remained uninflated, so you can find great and cheap food and drinks.

Krakow Travel Costs



When to Go to Krakow

Krakow in Summer

Summer is the best season to visit Krakow. The temperatures are pleasantly mild (around 20-25°C), the days are sunny and the nights are perfect for enjoying the lively nightlife. July and August are the busiest months, so it is good to book experiences, tours and hotels well in advance.

Krakow in Winter

Winter is one of the most suggestive seasons to visit Krakow: it can get quite cold (around 0°C during the day and below zero at night), it could snow and the days are short and gray. But there is a magical atmosphere, you can visit the wonderful Christmas Markets, feast on tasty local food and enjoy the most authentic side of the city.

Krakow in Spring

By visiting Krakow in the spring you can get great rates on hotels and flights, and you can beat the crowds while enjoying fairly mild temperatures. Spring is also the rainiest season, so bring your winter jacket, raincoat and good shoes.

Krakow in Autumn

Autumn is the perfect season to visit Krakow without the tourist crowds. It is the best time to enjoy the most authentic local life, take pictures with the colors of autumn and enjoy the various exciting day trips you can take from Krakow.

What are the best months to visit Krakow?

Find out with our in-depth guide to Krakow Weather, with average temperatures, rainfall and advice on what to see and what to pack, month by month.

45+ Unmissable Things to Do and See in Krakow

Discover the ultimate guide to the best things to do and see in and around Krakow: the most beautiful places to visit, the best tips from the locals on what and where to eat, tips on must-see tours to discover the most hidden gems and more even more.

How to Get Around Krakow

Where to Stay in Krakow

What are the best areas to stay in Krakow?

Discover the best districts in Krakow with our in-depth guide: get top tips from locals on the best areas to stay and the trendiest neighborhoods in the city.

Practical Information

Language and Religion

Poland is one of the most religious countries in Europe and most Poles are Roman Catholic Christians. The official language is Polish. In tourist places the signs are also translated into English. The staff in hotels and tours speak good English. English is not widely spoken by the locals.

Electricity and Sockets

Electricity in Poland is 230V, 50Hz AC. Plug sockets are round with two round-pin sockets (type C, E, F), similar to that used in other European countries, such as Germany, France, Spain and Italy. If you are from the US, UK or Ireland, then you need an adapter.

Currency and Payments

In Poland, the currency is the Złoty (zł or PLN), divided into 100 groszy. Major credit cards are widely accepted, although often only cash is accepted in less touristy places. ATMs are common in cities. It is advisable to withdraw złoty directly from the ATMs of reputable banks.